#LitLead Preview 3.12.15 – Tech Tools for ELA Classrooms

Technology has become as integral a part of English classrooms.  English educators must integrate digital tools into their instruction in ways that are purposeful and authentic.  But with so many websites, apps and communication systems, how do teachers choose which digital options are best to meet a unit’s objectives? Please join three CEL members, Kate Baker, Oona Abrams and Matt Morone, on Thursday, March 12 at 9 p.m. EST as they co-host #LitLead on Twitter.

Here are some questions we’ll consider:

Q1 How have you evolved as an educator since integrating technology into your instruction?
Q2 What tech tools are most versatile in your classroom? How do you apply them?
Q3 What tools do you use that are scalable and allow for successful differentiation?
Q4 What tools would students use on their own if you didn’t use them in class? Why?
Q5 How have you “smashed” apps or tech tools together in your classroom?